Atelier de Photographie, Matthias Thomann - Rue Goetz-Monin 15 1205, Genève, GE, Switzerland
Company Information
- Company registration number
- CHE103253667
- Company Status
- Country
- Switzerland
- Registered Address
- Rue Goetz-Monin 15
- 1205
- Genève
- GE
- CH Rue Goetz-Monin 15, 1205, Genève, GE, CH CH
- Managing Directors
- Matthias Thomann
Company Details
- Type of Business
- Sole proprietorship (SP)
- Incorporated
- 1985
- Age Of Company 1985-01-01 40 years
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Additional Status Details
- active
- Court
- CH/Genève
- Initial company number
- CH66000679856
- VAT Number
- CHE103253667
Atelier de Photographie, Matthias Thomann Company Description
- Atelier de Photographie, Matthias Thomann is a Sole proprietorship (SP) registered in Switzerland with the Company reg no CHE103253667. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 1985. The managing director is Matthias Thomann.It can be contacted at Rue Goetz-Monin 15 1205 .
Get Atelier de Photographie, Matthias Thomann Register Report
You are here: Atelier De Photographie, Matthias Thomann - Rue Goetz-Monin 15 1205, Genève, GE, Switzerland
- 1985-01-01
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Announcement from ZEFIX
- 2012-03-02 Rectification
- Atelier de Photographie, Matthias Thomann, à Genève, CH-*-*-* (FOSC du *.*.*, p. *). Nouveau but: prises de vues en studio et à l'extérieur, élaboration de concepts graphique, impressions en couleur et en noir et blanc, exploitation de l'Edition la Valserine. Matthias Thomann est maintenant originaire d'Affeltrangen et domicilié à Genève.
Atelier de Photographie, Matthias Thomann
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Register Report
Official proof of the company existence