Erich L. Koller Productions KG - Franz-Josefs-Kai 29, 1010, Wien, AUT, Austria
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 154696w
- Company Status
- Country
- Austria
- Registered Address
- Franz-Josefs-Kai 29
- 1010
- Wien
- AUT Franz-Josefs-Kai 29, 1010, Wien, AUT AT
Company Details
- Type of Business
- Kommanditgesellschaft
- Incorporated
- 1997-02-12
- Age Of Company 1997-02-12 27 years
- Activity
- Produktion von Theaterstücken
- Shareholders
- Erich L. Koller Obere Donaustraße 3/8 1020 Wien AUT
- Elisabeth Koller-Boran Obere Donaustraße 3/8 1020 Wien AUT
- Peter Kudrna (37 EUR) Rechte Wienzeile 25-27 1060 Wien AUT
- Eva Agai (37 EUR) Flossgasse 4/13 1020 Wien AUT
- Andrea Eckstein (37 EUR) Engerthstraße 98/31 1200 Wien AUT
- Stefan Wilde (37 EUR) Bossigasse 18-22/3/18 1130 Wien AUT
- Viktor Kautsch (37 EUR) Johann Strauß Gasse 37/10 1040 Wien AUT
- Robert Mohor (37 EUR) Attemsgasse 45/2/24 1220 Wien AUT
- Josef Pechhacker (37 EUR) Dr. F. J. Schichtgasse 16/3 2340 Mödling AUT
- Michael Duregger (37 EUR) Grundgasse 8 2551 Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn AUT
- Dagmar Pfister-Truxa (37 EUR) Kornhäuslgasse 9/Stg. 8/58 1200 Wien AUT
- Rudolf Pfister (37 EUR) Kornhäuslgasse 9/Stg. 8/58 1200 Wien AUT
- Julia Duregger (37 EUR) Grundgasse 8 2551 Enzesfeld-Lindabrunn AUT
- Bernadette Mezgolits (37 EUR) Schwendergasse 41/1/39 1150 Wien AUT
- Ingeborg Bauböck (37 EUR) Reindorfgasse 36/5/15 1150 Wien AUT
- Rafael Witak (37 EUR) Bäuerlegasse 4-6/69 1200 Wien AUT
- Ralph Saml (37 EUR) Bräuhausgasse 67/9 1050 Wien AUT
- Christian Spatzek (37 EUR) Jaschkagasse 22 1230 Wien AUT
- Katharina Mirk (37 EUR) Clusiusgasse 4/11 1090 Wien AUT
- Ingeborg Ulrike Junek (37 EUR) Spiegelgasse 8 1010 Wien AUT
- Rudolf Larsen (37 EUR) Johannesplatz 3/13 2361 Laxenburg AUT
- Irene Mittendrein (37 EUR) Schurzgasse 21 1120 Wien AUT
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Court
- Handelsgericht Wien
- Previous Names
- Erich L. Koller Productions KEG
Erich L. Koller Productions KG Company Description
- Erich L. Koller Productions KG is a Kommanditgesellschaft registered in Austria with the Company reg no FN 154696 w. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 1997-02-12. It was previously called Erich L. Koller Productions KEG. The declared activity is Produktion von Theaterstücken. It can be contacted at Franz-Josefs-Kai 29 .
Get Erich L. Koller Productions KG Register ReportAnnual AccountsArticles of AssociationCredit Report by KSV1870Credit Check by KSV1870
You are here: Erich L. Koller Productions Kg - Franz-Josefs-Kai 29, 1010, Wien, AUT, Austria
- 1997-02-12
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Announcements from the Firmenbuch
- 2024-05-04 Modification
- Die Firma mit der offiziellen Registernummer *w hat einen neuen Antrag gestellt. Diese Bekanntmachung wurde im Firmenbuch mit der Vollzugsnummer * und Typ Änderung am *-*-* eingetragen.
Erich L. Koller Productions KG
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for Erich L. Koller Productions KG as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence
Annual Accounts
Financial data for the last reported full year
Articles of Association
Founding documents
Credit Report by KSV1870
Official credit data
Credit Check by KSV1870
Brief credit details
Official Filings
Company filings direct from the official registry.
keyboard_arrow_down 2018
2018-08-09 - Ergänzungsantrag
keyboard_arrow_right 2017
2017-10-09 - Antrag
keyboard_arrow_right 2016
2016-01-14 - Antrag
keyboard_arrow_right 2015
2015-02-25 - Antrag
keyboard_arrow_right 2014
2014-02-26 - Musterzeichnung
2014-02-26 - Antrag
keyboard_arrow_right 2013
2013-12-19 - Antrag
2013-12-02 - Antrag
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2010-09-15 - Antrag
keyboard_arrow_right 2009
2009-12-29 - Antrag
keyboard_arrow_right 2008
2008-05-19 - Antrag
keyboard_arrow_right 2007
2007-08-31 - Antrag